Оспа BlackBlack

«Великие потери обычно приводят только к глубокому шоку. Для того чтобы повергнуть жертву в полнейшую нищету, вы должны ошеломить ее множеством мелких страданий», Ратадрабик из Урборга
Janine Johnston


Каждый игрок теряет 1 жизнь, сбрасывает одну карту, жертвует одно существо и затем жертвует одну землю.


  • 9/25/2006 Each player loses 1 life. Then, starting with the active player and proceeding in turn order, each player chooses a card to discard (normally without seeing what other players have chosen) and all discards happen simultaneously. Then, starting with the active player and proceeding in turn order, each player chooses a creature to sacrifice (this time players can see what other players have chosen) and all sacrifices happen simultaneously. Then the process that happened for creatures is repeated for lands.
(Rulings updated 3 года назад)


  • standard: Not legal
  • future: Not legal
  • frontier: Not legal
  • modern: Legal
  • legacy: Legal
  • pauper: Not legal
  • vintage: Legal
  • penny: Legal
  • commander: Legal
  • 1v1: Legal
  • duel: Legal
  • brawl: Not legal
  • oldschool: Not legal
  • historic: Not legal
  • pioneer: Not legal
  • gladiator: Not legal
  • premodern: Not legal
  • historicbrawl: Not legal
  • paupercommander: Not legal
  • alchemy: Not legal
  • explorer: Not legal
  • predh: Legal
  • oathbreaker: Legal
  • timeless: Not legal
  • standardbrawl: Not legal

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