Порыв Ветра 3Blue

(Gust of Wind)
В силе Небесного Паруса одновременно и его слабость.
Порыв Ветра
Adam Paquette


Разыгрывание этого заклинания стоит на 2 меньше, если вы контролируете существо с Полетом.
Верните целевой не являющийся землей перманент, который не находится под вашим контролем, в руку его владельца.
Возьмите карту.


  • 4/17/2020 To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying, add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions (such as that of Gust of Wind). The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was.
  • 4/17/2020 Once you announce that you’re casting Gust of Wind, no player may take actions until the spell has been paid for. Notably, opponents can’t try to change whether you control a creature with flying.
  • 4/17/2020 Gust of Wind is unaffected if you no longer control a creature with flying after you’ve cast it.
  • 4/17/2020 If the target nonland permanent is an illegal target by the time Gust of Wind tries to resolve, the spell won’t resolve. You won’t draw a card.
(Rulings updated 3 года назад)


  • standard: Not legal
  • future: Not legal
  • historic: Legal
  • pioneer: Legal
  • modern: Legal
  • legacy: Legal
  • pauper: Legal
  • vintage: Legal
  • penny: Legal
  • commander: Legal
  • brawl: Legal
  • duel: Legal
  • oldschool: Not legal
  • gladiator: Legal
  • premodern: Not legal
  • historicbrawl: Legal
  • paupercommander: Legal
  • alchemy: Not legal
  • explorer: Legal
  • predh: Not legal
  • oathbreaker: Legal
  • timeless: Legal
  • standardbrawl: Not legal

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