Строгий Наставник 1Red

(Harsh Mentor)
Существо - Человек Священник
«Дерись и преодолей».
Строгий Наставник
Shreya Shetty


Каждый раз, когда оппонент активирует способность артефакта, существа или земли на поле битвы, если это не мана-способность, то Строгий Наставник наносит 2 повреждения тому игроку.


  • 4/18/2017 Activated abilities contain a colon. They’re generally written “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keyword abilities (such as equip) are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder text. An activated mana ability is one that produces mana as it resolves, not one that costs mana to activate. Notably, exerting a creature isn’t an activated ability.
  • 4/18/2017 Harsh Mentor’s ability doesn’t trigger when an opponent activates an ability of a card in hand (such as cycling) or a card in a graveyard (such as embalm), even if that causes a card to be put onto the battlefield.
  • 4/18/2017 Harsh Mentor’s ability resolves before the ability that caused it to trigger.
(Rulings updated 3 года назад)


  • standard: Not legal
  • future: Not legal
  • frontier: Legal
  • modern: Legal
  • legacy: Legal
  • pauper: Not legal
  • vintage: Legal
  • penny: Legal
  • commander: Legal
  • 1v1: Legal
  • duel: Legal
  • brawl: Legal
  • oldschool: Not legal
  • historic: Legal
  • pioneer: Legal
  • gladiator: Legal
  • premodern: Not legal
  • historicbrawl: Legal
  • paupercommander: Not legal
  • alchemy: Not legal
  • explorer: Legal
  • predh: Not legal
  • oathbreaker: Legal
  • timeless: Legal
  • standardbrawl: Not legal

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