Subira, Caravaneira Tulzidi 2Red

(Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner)
Criatura Lendária - Humano Xamã
Subira, Caravaneira Tulzidi
Leesha Hannigan


1: Outra criatura alvo com poder igual ou inferior a 2 não pode ser bloqueada neste turno.
1Red, Tap, descarte sua mão: Até o final do turno, toda vez que uma criatura que você controla com poder igual ou inferior a 2 causar dano de combate a um jogador, compre um card.


  • 6/23/2020 If the target creature’s power is greater than 2 as the first activated ability tries to resolve, the ability doesn’t resolve. However, if instead the creature’s power is raised above 2 after the ability resolves, it still can’t be blocked that turn.
  • 6/23/2020 Once a creature with power 2 or less has been blocked, Subira’s middle ability won’t cause it to become unblocked.
  • 6/23/2020 You can activate Subira’s last ability if your hand is empty. You simply discard zero cards.
  • 6/23/2020 Once Subira’s last ability resolves, check to see if the delayed triggered ability should trigger based on the power of the creatures immediately after damage is dealt, not based on their power as the ability resolves.
(Rulings updated há 3 anos)


  • standard: Not legal
  • future: Not legal
  • historic: Legal
  • pioneer: Legal
  • modern: Legal
  • legacy: Legal
  • pauper: Not legal
  • vintage: Legal
  • penny: Legal
  • commander: Legal
  • brawl: Legal
  • duel: Legal
  • oldschool: Not legal
  • gladiator: Legal
  • premodern: Not legal
  • historicbrawl: Legal
  • paupercommander: Not legal
  • alchemy: Not legal
  • explorer: Legal
  • predh: Not legal
  • oathbreaker: Legal
  • timeless: Legal
  • standardbrawl: Not legal

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