Defesas Acumuladas 2Green

(Cached Defenses)
As escamas brilhantes nos cofres Abzan representam feitos de bravura do passado e proteção para gerações futuras.
Defesas Acumuladas
Zack Stella


Revigorar 3. (Escolha uma criatura com a menor resistência entre as que você controla e coloque três marcadores +1/+1 nela.)


  • 11/24/2014 Bolster itself doesn’t target any creature, though some spells and abilities that bolster may have other effects that target creatures. For example, you could put counters on a creature with protection from white with Abzan Skycaptain’s bolster ability.
  • 11/24/2014 You determine which creature to put counters on as the spell or ability that instructs you to bolster resolves.
(Rulings updated há 3 anos)


  • standard: Not legal
  • future: Not legal
  • frontier: Legal
  • modern: Legal
  • legacy: Legal
  • pauper: Not legal
  • vintage: Legal
  • penny: Legal
  • commander: Legal
  • duel: Legal
  • oldschool: Not legal

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