召喚の調べ XGreenGreenGreen

(Chord of Calling)
Heather Hudson


召集 (あなたがこの呪文をプレイする段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーにつき、この呪文のコストはそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点か1少なくなる。)
あなたのライブラリーから、点数で見たマナ・コストがX以下のクリーチャー・カードを1枚探し、それを場に出す。 その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。


  • 8/7/2020 If a card in a player’s library has <img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=X&amp;type=symbol" alt="Variable Colorless" align="absbottom" /> in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0.
  • 8/7/2020 You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell.
  • 8/7/2020 When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated. Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost.
  • 8/7/2020 Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for <img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=1&amp;type=symbol" alt="1" align="absbottom" /> or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors.
  • 8/7/2020 When using convoke to cast a spell with <img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=X&amp;type=symbol" alt="Variable Colorless" align="absbottom" /> in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay the total cost. For example, if you cast Chord of Calling and choose X to be 3, the total cost is <img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=3&amp;type=symbol" alt="3" align="absbottom" /><img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=G&amp;type=symbol" alt="Green" align="absbottom" /><img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=G&amp;type=symbol" alt="Green" align="absbottom" /><img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=G&amp;type=symbol" alt="Green" align="absbottom" />. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay <img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=1&amp;type=symbol" alt="1" align="absbottom" /><img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=G&amp;type=symbol" alt="Green" align="absbottom" />.
  • 8/7/2020 If a creature you control has a mana ability with <img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=tap&amp;type=symbol" alt="Tap" align="absbottom" /> in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke.
(Rulings updated 3年前)


  • standard: Not legal
  • future: Not legal
  • frontier: Legal
  • modern: Legal
  • legacy: Legal
  • pauper: Not legal
  • vintage: Legal
  • penny: Not legal
  • commander: Legal
  • duel: Legal
  • oldschool: Not legal

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