Festa di Lancio 3Black

(Launch Party)
La vita è troppo breve per non dedicarti alle cose che ami.
Festa di Lancio
Lucas Graciano


Come costo addizionale per lanciare la Festa di Lancio, sacrifica una creatura.
Distruggi una creatura bersaglio. Il suo controllore perde 2 punti vita.


  • 10/1/2012 If you sacrifice an attacking or blocking creature during the declare blockers step, it won’t deal combat damage. If you wait until the combat damage step, but that creature is dealt lethal damage, it’ll be destroyed before you get a chance to sacrifice it.
  • 10/1/2012 If the target creature is an illegal target when Launch Party tries to resolve, it won’t resolve and none of its effects will happen. No player will lose 2 life.
  • 4/15/2013 You must sacrifice exactly one creature to cast this spell; you cannot cast it without sacrificing a creature, and you cannot sacrifice additional creatures.
  • 4/15/2013 Players can only respond once this spell has been cast and all its costs have been paid. No one can try to destroy the creature you sacrificed to prevent you from casting this spell.
(Regolamenti aggiornati 3 anni fa)


  • standard: Non legale
  • future: Non legale
  • frontier: Non legale
  • modern: Legale
  • legacy: Legale
  • pauper: Legale
  • vintage: Legale
  • penny: Legale
  • commander: Legale
  • 1v1: Legale
  • duel: Legale
  • brawl: Legale
  • oldschool: Non legale
  • historic: Legale
  • pioneer: Legale
  • gladiator: Legale
  • premodern: Non legale
  • historicbrawl: Legale
  • paupercommander: Legale
  • alchemy: Non legale
  • explorer: Legale
  • predh: Non legale
  • oathbreaker: Legale
  • timeless: Legale
  • standardbrawl: Non legale

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