Rankle, Master of Pranks 2BlackBlack

Creatura Leggendaria - Farabutto Spiritello
Rankle, Master of Pranks
Dmitry Burmak


Flying, haste
Whenever Rankle, Master of Pranks deals combat damage to a player, choose any number —
• Each player discards a card.
• Each player loses 1 life and draws a card.
• Each player sacrifices a creature.


  • 10/4/2019 If you really want, you can choose zero modes for Rankle’s triggered ability, but carefully consider the hidden costs in not entertaining someone titled Master of Pranks.
  • 10/4/2019 You can’t choose a mode more than once.
  • 10/4/2019 You can choose a mode even if some or all players will be unaffected.
  • 10/4/2019 For each chosen mode, perform that mode in its entirety before continuing on to the next chosen mode in the order printed.
  • 10/4/2019 As the first mode is performed, first the player whose turn it is chooses a card in hand without revealing it, then each other player in turn order does the same. Then all the chosen cards are discarded at the same time.
  • 10/4/2019 As the third mode is performed, first the player whose turn it chooses a creature they control, then each other player in turn order does the same, knowing the choices made before them. Then all the chosen creatures are sacrificed at the same time.
  • 10/4/2019 In a Two-Headed Giant game, Rankle’s second mode causes each team to lose 1 life twice.
(Regolamenti aggiornati 3 anni fa)


  • standard: Non legale
  • future: Non legale
  • modern: Legale
  • legacy: Legale
  • pauper: Non legale
  • vintage: Legale
  • penny: Non legale
  • commander: Legale
  • brawl: Legale
  • duel: Legale
  • oldschool: Non legale
  • historic: Legale
  • pioneer: Legale
  • gladiator: Legale
  • premodern: Non legale
  • historicbrawl: Legale
  • paupercommander: Non legale
  • alchemy: Non legale
  • explorer: Legale
  • predh: Non legale
  • oathbreaker: Legale
  • timeless: Legale
  • standardbrawl: Non legale

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