Capsula della Genesi 3{G/P}

(Birthing Pod)
Capsula della Genesi


({G/P} può essere pagato con Green o con 2 punti vita.)
1{G/P}, Tap, Sacrifica una creatura: Passa in rassegna il tuo grimorio per una carta creatura con costo di mana convertito pari a 1 più il costo di mana convertito della creatura sacrificata, metti sul campo di battaglia quella carta, poi rimescola il tuo grimorio. Attiva questa abilità solo quando potresti lanciare una stregoneria.


  • 6/1/2011 A card with Phyrexian mana symbols in its mana cost is each color that appears in that mana cost, regardless of how that cost may have been paid.
  • 6/1/2011 To calculate the converted mana cost of a card with Phyrexian mana symbols in its cost, count each Phyrexian mana symbol as 1.
  • 6/1/2011 As you cast a spell or activate an activated ability with one or more Phyrexian mana symbols in its cost, you choose how to pay for each Phyrexian mana symbol at the same time you would choose modes or choose a value for X.
  • 6/1/2011 If you’re at 1 life or less, you can’t pay 2 life.
  • 6/1/2011 Phyrexian mana is not a new color. Players can’t add Phyrexian mana to their mana pools.
  • 6/1/2011 A creature’s converted mana cost is determined solely by the mana symbols printed in its upper right corner (unless that creature is copying something else; see below). If its mana cost includes <img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=X&amp;type=symbol" alt="Variable Colorless" align="absbottom" />, X is considered to be 0. If it has no mana symbols in its upper right corner (because it’s an animated land, for example), its converted mana cost is 0. Ignore any alternative costs or additional costs (such as kicker) paid when the creature was cast.
  • 6/1/2011 A token has a converted mana cost of 0, unless it is copying something else.
  • 6/1/2011 If a creature is copying something else, its converted mana cost is the converted mana cost of whatever it’s copying.
(Regolamenti aggiornati 3 anni fa)


  • standard: Non legale
  • future: Non legale
  • frontier: Non legale
  • modern: Non legale
  • legacy: Legale
  • pauper: Non legale
  • vintage: Legale
  • penny: Non legale
  • commander: Legale
  • duel: Legale
  • oldschool: Non legale

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