Wurmcoil Engine 6

Creatura Artefatto - Wurm
Wurmcoil Engine
Aleksi Briclot


Deathtouch, lifelink
When Wurmcoil Engine dies, create a 3/3 colorless Wurm artifact creature token with deathtouch and a 3/3 colorless Wurm artifact creature token with lifelink.


  • 1/1/2011 The two creature tokens enter the battlefield at the same time.
  • 1/1/2011 It must be clear to all players which token has deathtouch and which token has lifelink.
(Regolamenti aggiornati 3 anni fa)


  • standard: Non legale
  • future: Non legale
  • frontier: Non legale
  • modern: Legale
  • legacy: Legale
  • pauper: Non legale
  • vintage: Legale
  • penny: Non legale
  • commander: Legale
  • 1v1: Legale
  • duel: Legale
  • brawl: Legale
  • oldschool: Non legale
  • historic: Legale
  • pioneer: Non legale
  • gladiator: Legale
  • premodern: Non legale
  • historicbrawl: Legale
  • paupercommander: Non legale
  • alchemy: Non legale
  • explorer: Non legale
  • predh: Legale
  • oathbreaker: Legale
  • timeless: Legale
  • standardbrawl: Non legale

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