Nivix, Nido del Mentefiamma

(Nivix, Aerie of the Firemind)
Il genio e la vanità di Niv-Mizzet riverberano per le sale specchiate di Nivix.
Nivix, Nido del Mentefiamma
Martina Pilcerova


Tap: Aggiungi 1 alla tua riserva di mana.
2BlueRed, Tap: Rimuovi dal gioco la prima carta del tuo grimorio. Fino al tuo prossimo turno, puoi giocare quella carta se è un istantaneo o una stregoneria.


  • 2/1/2006 “Until your next turn” means the effect wears off as soon as your next turn starts, even before you untap. It’s basically the same as “until the end of the turn of the player who immediately precedes you.”
  • 2/1/2006 The card is cast using all normal rules and restrictions for casting spells. Casting it means you’ll have to pay its mana cost, and it will go to the graveyard after it resolves or is countered. The only thing that’s different is you’re casting it from the Exile zone.
  • 2/1/2006 If you don’t cast the card, it stays exiled.
(Regolamenti aggiornati 3 anni fa)


  • standard: Non legale
  • future: Non legale
  • frontier: Non legale
  • modern: Legale
  • legacy: Legale
  • pauper: Non legale
  • vintage: Legale
  • penny: Legale
  • commander: Legale
  • duel: Legale
  • oldschool: Non legale

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