Il Circolo della Lealtà 4WhiteWhite

(The Circle of Loyalty)
Artefatto Leggendario
Il Circolo della Lealtà
Bastien L. Deharme


Questa magia costa 1 in meno per essere lanciata per ogni Cavaliere che controlli.
Le creature che controlli prendono +1/+1.
Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia leggendaria, crea una pedina creatura Cavaliere 2/2 bianca con cautela.
3White, Tap: Crea una pedina creatura Cavaliere 2/2 bianca con cautela.


  • 10/4/2019 The Circle of Loyalty’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered.
  • 10/4/2019 The Circle of Loyalty’s triggered ability won’t trigger when you cast it because it’s not on the battlefield yet.
  • 10/4/2019 To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying, add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was.
  • 10/4/2019 The cost reduction ability reduces only the generic mana in the relic’s cost. The colored mana must still be paid.
  • 10/4/2019 Once you announce that you’re casting a spell, no player may take actions until the spell has been paid for. Notably, opponents can’t try to change by how much a relic’s cost is reduced.
(Regolamenti aggiornati 3 anni fa)


  • standard: Non legale
  • future: Non legale
  • modern: Legale
  • legacy: Legale
  • pauper: Non legale
  • vintage: Legale
  • penny: Legale
  • commander: Legale
  • brawl: Legale
  • duel: Legale
  • oldschool: Non legale
  • historic: Legale
  • pioneer: Legale
  • gladiator: Legale
  • premodern: Non legale
  • historicbrawl: Legale
  • paupercommander: Non legale
  • alchemy: Non legale
  • explorer: Legale
  • predh: Non legale
  • oathbreaker: Legale
  • timeless: Legale
  • standardbrawl: Non legale

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