Planeur claquevoile 3

(Snapsail Glider)
Créature-artefact - construction
Construit à partir d'une batteuse recyclée, il se recharge avec la lumière reflétée par la plaine dorée, prêt à prendre les airs en cas de danger.
Planeur claquevoile
Efrem Palacios


Art des métaux — Le Planeur claquevoile a le vol tant que vous contrôlez au moins trois artefacts.


  • 1/1/2011 For the purposes of combat, whether Snapsail Glider has flying is relevant only as the declare blockers step begins. If an attacking Snapsail Glider without flying becomes blocked, gaining control of enough artifacts to cause it to have flying won’t change that. Similarly, if a Snapsail Glider with flying blocks another creature with flying, losing control of enough artifacts to cause the Glider to lose flying won’t change that.
(Rulings updated il y a 3 ans)


  • standard: Not legal
  • future: Not legal
  • frontier: Not legal
  • modern: Legal
  • legacy: Legal
  • pauper: Legal
  • vintage: Legal
  • penny: Legal
  • commander: Legal
  • duel: Legal
  • oldschool: Not legal

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