Faux-pas mental {U/P}

(Mental Misstep)
« Votre première erreur était de croire que je vous laisserais vivre suffisamment longtemps pour en commettre une seconde. » —Sarnvax, sectif gitaxien
Faux-pas mental
Erica Yang


({U/P} peut être payé au choix avec Blue ou 2 points de vie.)
Contrecarrez le sort ciblé dont le coût converti de mana est de 1.


  • 6/1/2011 A card with Phyrexian mana symbols in its mana cost is each color that appears in that mana cost, regardless of how that cost may have been paid.
  • 6/1/2011 To calculate the converted mana cost of a card with Phyrexian mana symbols in its cost, count each Phyrexian mana symbol as 1.
  • 6/1/2011 As you cast a spell or activate an activated ability with one or more Phyrexian mana symbols in its cost, you choose how to pay for each Phyrexian mana symbol at the same time you would choose modes or choose a value for X.
  • 6/1/2011 If you’re at 1 life or less, you can’t pay 2 life.
  • 6/1/2011 Phyrexian mana is not a new color. Players can’t add Phyrexian mana to their mana pools.
  • 6/1/2011 If a spell has <img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=X&amp;type=symbol" alt="Variable Colorless" align="absbottom" /> in its mana cost, X is considered to be the value chosen for it while that spell is on the stack.
  • 6/1/2011 Each Phyrexian mana symbol in a spell’s mana cost contributes 1 to that spell’s converted mana cost. For example, Mental Misstep’s converted mana cost is 1, regardless of how its cost was paid.
(Rulings updated il y a 3 ans)


  • standard: Not legal
  • future: Not legal
  • frontier: Not legal
  • modern: Not legal
  • legacy: Not legal
  • pauper: Not legal
  • vintage: Legal
  • penny: Not legal
  • commander: Legal
  • duel: Legal
  • oldschool: Not legal

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