Carapace fortifiée errante 3GreenGreen

(Meandering Towershell)
Créature - tortue terrestre
Carapace fortifiée errante
YW Tang


Traversée des îles (Cette créature ne peut pas être bloquée tant que le joueur défenseur contrôle au moins une île.)
À chaque fois que la Carapace fortifiée errante attaque, exilez-la. Renvoyez-la sur le champ de bataille sous votre contrôle, engagée et attaquante, au début de l'étape de déclaration des attaquants de votre prochain tour.


  • 9/20/2014 As Meandering Towershell returns to the battlefield because of the delayed triggered ability, you choose which opponent or opposing planeswalker it’s attacking. It doesn’t have to attack the same opponent or opposing planeswalker that it was when it was exiled.
  • 9/20/2014 If Meandering Towershell enters the battlefield attacking, it wasn’t declared as an attacking creature that turn. Abilities that trigger when a creature attacks, including its own triggered ability, won’t trigger.
  • 9/20/2014 On the turn Meandering Towershell attacks and is exiled, raid abilities will see it as a creature that attacked. Conversely, on the turn Meandering Towershell enters the battlefield attacking, raid abilities will not.
  • 9/20/2014 If you attack with a Meandering Towershell that you don’t own, you’ll control it when it returns to the battlefield.
(Rulings updated il y a 3 ans)


  • standard: Not legal
  • future: Not legal
  • frontier: Legal
  • modern: Legal
  • legacy: Legal
  • pauper: Not legal
  • vintage: Legal
  • penny: Legal
  • commander: Legal
  • duel: Legal
  • oldschool: Not legal

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