Silence de pierre 1White

(Stony Silence)
Puisse la mousse recouvrir les gargouilles —Dicton gavonien signifiant « oubliez les souvenirs douloureux »
Silence de pierre
Wayne England


Les capacités activées des artefacts ne peuvent pas être activées.


  • 3/14/2017 Activated abilities contain a colon. They’re generally written “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keyword abilities, such as equip, are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder text.
  • 3/14/2017 No abilities of artifacts can be activated, including mana abilities.
  • 3/14/2017 Stony Silence’s ability affects only artifacts on the battlefield. Activated abilities that work in other zones (such as cycling) can still be activated. Triggered abilities (starting with “when,” “whenever,” or “at”) are unaffected.
(Rulings updated il y a 3 ans)


  • standard: Not legal
  • future: Not legal
  • frontier: Not legal
  • modern: Legal
  • legacy: Legal
  • pauper: Not legal
  • vintage: Legal
  • penny: Legal
  • commander: Legal
  • 1v1: Legal
  • duel: Legal
  • brawl: Not legal
  • oldschool: Not legal
  • historic: Not legal
  • pioneer: Not legal
  • gladiator: Not legal
  • premodern: Not legal
  • historicbrawl: Not legal
  • paupercommander: Not legal
  • alchemy: Not legal
  • explorer: Not legal
  • predh: Not legal
  • oathbreaker: Legal
  • timeless: Not legal
  • standardbrawl: Not legal

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