Lavinia, renegada azoria WhiteBlue

(Lavinia, Azorius Renegade)
Criatura legendaria - Soldado humano
"Le dije a Jace que Rávnica se desmoronaría si no se tomaba en serio sus responsabilidades. No quería tener razón".
Lavinia, renegada azoria
Steven Belledin


Cada oponente no puede lanzar hechizos que no sean de criatura con coste de maná convertido mayor que la cantidad de tierras que controla ese jugador.
Siempre que un oponente lance un hechizo, si no se usó maná para lanzarlo, contrarresta ese hechizo.


  • 1/25/2019 Players may cast spells that they know Lavinia will counter. Any abilities that trigger when spells are cast will trigger and resolve if appropriate, and any effects that count spells cast will count those spells if appropriate.
  • 1/25/2019 Effects that modify or replace the cost to cast a spell (such as spectacle) don’t affect the spell’s converted mana cost, so they won’t change whether Lavinia’s first ability restricts that spell from being cast.
  • 1/25/2019 For spells with <img src="/Handlers/Image.ashx?size=small&amp;name=X&amp;type=symbol" alt="Variable Colorless" align="absbottom" /> in their mana costs, use the value chosen for X to determine the spell’s converted mana cost.
  • 1/25/2019 If an effect allows a player to cast a spell without paying its mana cost, that player can’t choose to cast it and pay its mana cost unless another rule or effect allows that player to cast it that way.
(Rulings updated hace 3 años)


  • standard: Legal
  • future: Legal
  • frontier: Legal
  • modern: Legal
  • legacy: Legal
  • pauper: Not legal
  • vintage: Legal
  • penny: Not legal
  • commander: Legal
  • duel: Legal
  • oldschool: Not legal

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